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Claiming Your Sovereignty


We just passed a very potent alchemical day, 11/11. This is a time of great and poignant shift for us collectively as a race for our planet and for each of us individually. It’s a really beautiful time to invoke this new decree, of sovereignty and freedom. We are now being called to claim our right as divine beings of light and fully sovereign beings that can disconnect from the third-dimensional construct through our energetic configurations, cellular consciousness, and DNA, connecting with our more multi-dimensional…five-dimensional and beyond beings.

With each meditation, I share alchemical interventions from both the plant and the mineral kingdoms, which work synergistically and offer us the full spectrum of medicine from the spirit level to our physiological, mental, and emotional levels to restore balance and homeostasis within the human race, but to help activate and empower us to be even more than we even think possible at this moment. 

I like to call the personal process of evolution and transformation, “over the shoulder moments”  These are the moments when we look over our shoulder to look at the path that we’ve traversed that has brought us perfectly to this moment of time and space. It gives us the opportunity to see how far we’ve come and to honor and acknowledge our path and our humanity.

Human evolution isn’t about being perfect per se, but it’s about acknowledging how far we’ve come from our own journey, from our own point of origination, and then introspecting back through our family lineage. Each meditation we talk about healing at the DNA level because it allows us to alter the past and the present, and also the future for ourselves, for our soul family, and for the evolutionary process of the earth and all consciousness here including all kingdoms of life.

Working synergistically with the plant and the mineral kingdoms and the vibration within, each of these meditations creates greater synergy within us. When we’re working with synergy at this level, it allows us to quantum leap along our own pathway, which looks different for every single person.


Blue kyanite is medicine of freedom and sovereignty. The alchemy of this stone activates the FREEDOM code latent within our DNA. Meditating with this stone will assist to open the higher chakras to access wisdom from the higher self. It’s most associated with the throat chakra and activating freedom to be able to speak our truth with strength, grace, and balance, connecting us to greater self-expression and innovative forms of creativity. 


Sandalwood medicine is potent. Its rich aroma speaks of ancient forests and sacred medicine.  It’s endangered and so please use it sparingly and reverently, and from a place of honor because the medicine is still here right now because we can shift deeply from its vibrational pattern. I like to work with New Caledonian for this reason. Sandalwood has this affinity to open the crown and connect with the higher frequency from divine consciousness, and to also amalgamate and realign our center channel and the hara line to strengthen, clear, balance, and expand it. It also has a wonderful affinity for opening the root chakra and allowing us to connect more deeply to the earth. And even with ourselves, into our bodies, and opening our aspects of the sacral chakra for essential connection because we have so much life force there, especially as women. This central center Isn’t just about sex. It’s about creativity and connecting with our inner wise woman. 

Sandalwood is really beautiful to be able to open the heaven and the earth connection so we can run higher levels of light quotient through our field, and also helping to strengthen the hara line to do that.

The hara is the gateway to the dimension of effortless intention. When we are aligned with our hara, we’re aligned with our soul purpose; our divine purpose, or mission. It’s really such an important place to consider, especially right now as we’re letting go of the third-dimensional constructs within our field, within our nervous system, within our cellular consciousness, and within our DNA. so we can open to living a life from effortless intention, intentional creation from the zero point field. Just like in our previous meditation, we are expanding our consciousness out to a place of limitless potential. 

If you don’t have blue kyanite or sandalwood, it’s okay, you can use whatever oil and crystal you have at home. And if you don’t have any, that’s also alright because we’re going to be working with the cosmic consciousness and the vital life force of both. 

If you do have an oil, go ahead and put a drop on the left palm of your hand. Take a deep breath in for about 30 seconds. As we create an open this new memory cell it will be filled with the healing, the vibration, and the awakening that we experience in this sacred time of meditation. 

So inviting in the aromatic molecules to come into the auric field and open into the meridian points and expand into the cells opening to receive the most benevolent experience for this meditation in accordance with your I am presence and your sacred intentions. If you have a crystal you can hold it in your hand or place it on your body. 


Take a deep breath in and bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel.

Connect in with this sphere of light, the single note that holds you into form, into incarnation, into physicality.  From the very center of your dantien, Invite a golden line of light to drop down effortlessly through your root chakra simultaneously down each leg, out the souls of the feet and all three lines of light meeting together in unity at the earth crust chakra…and sink. 

This golden line of light begins to expand 360 degrees, as it moves down through each layer of the earth, to the very center.

Breathe deeply allowing all of the tension of the day, of the week, of the times to dissolve. Feeling your earth connection begin to revitalize each and every cell. Trillions of cells in your body revitalize and recalibrate each layer of the field, the auric field with a new sense of ease, comfort, connection, communion.

On the next breath in, envision a golden column of light that begins to move down from the higher realms, from the throne of divine consciousness, divine light, source light.

This golden column comes down and encapsulates you. Breathe in this golden light and drink it into each cell and subatomic structure within your physiology.

Drink this golden light into your bones, your blood, your marrow…feeling a quickening within each structure in the body, releasing all lower frequency, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs of limitation and constriction until each of your columns of golden light is filled with the frequency of source light, divine light.

Breathe and bathe in this purity. Every moment has led you perfectly, divinely here and now. Lovingly embrace each and every experience that has brought you here. Hold it in deep reverence and gratitude for all the places it has illuminated within you.

Each energy center, chakra recalibrates and realigns with this higher level of light. On the next breath in, another golden column of light begins to move down through the higher realms to encapsulate you all the way down to each level of the field, down through the layers of the earth to the very core, the very center of the earth.

We invoke the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of sandalwood and blue kyanite. We invite your frequency to imprint and actualize its vibration; the full spectrum of vibration and medicine into each and every cell down through the portal of DNA, into the mother and father bloodlines. Invoking the template of sovereignty as the divine being of light that we are.

Invite this frequency to download NOW at a potency of 10 mm as this vibration floods the auric field, the nervous system, the bone, the blood, the cells, and the DNA.

In this moment, declare and decree “I am a sovereign being of divine light. I am that I am.”

Allowing yourself to fully disconnect, dismantle, dissolve the connection and attachment to the third-dimensional reality. Committing to walk the path of light in your multidimensional form in this physicality. This is the path of freedom and your divine birthright.

Love each and every moment that has brought you perfectly here now. May the flame of freedom, sovereignty, divine truth, and love that is activated within you burn as or more brightly with each and every breath.

You are stewards of light. Beacons of light. Stand tall in your truth.

We offer this healing to earth in all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. All kingdoms of life are sacred. All life is sacred. May we remember this truth as it unites us as one

In great gratitude.

Take a deep breath of any oil left on your hands to close this memory cell, anchoring it into your brain, into your cellular consciousness. You can come back to this healing and all of the beautiful frequency held within this memory cell by inhaling the same aroma again in the future and through the power of your intention.

Love and Blessings. 

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