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Divine Feminine Meditation: Invoking Quan Yin


Hello Everyone. Welcome to Igniting the Divine Feminine, our monthly goddess circle.

Every month we come together to support each other in the sacred community to be able to lean in a bit, open up a bit, and connect. 

There’s tremendous opportunity right now for us all, to find new levels of empowerment and the excavation of our quintessence, the essence, gifts, and vision that are unique to each of us. We open ourselves to the Divine feminine and ability to source from the limitless well of the creatrix. 

Every month we celebrate and invoke a different goddess, a different aspect of the divine feminine because every particular goddess has a set of unique gifts and energetic configurations. By working with her specific frequency we’re able to bring the light of healing to the places of wounding within us and bring forth those particular aspects of being to the surface to further empower us. 

This meditation’s intention is to connect and work with the goddess Quan Yin. She is wonderful to work with for increasing our compassion. This is such a beautiful opportunity and time to do that, with all of the stress that we’re facing on a personal level and planetary level; everything from the virus, to civil unrest and many other stressors that we’re all experiencing. The energy of compassion helps us first to have a place of introspection, to be compassionate for ourselves and our journey, and then for each other. 

Every moment has divinely and perfectly brought us here, to be able to connect, commune, heal, and then to be able to have greater compassion for our fellow humans, all of our brothers and sisters on the planet; regardless of what country we’re in, what our skin color is, or our belief system.


Presence yourself and here is the invitation for our Goddess Meditation:

You are the keepers of sacred magic, the template of the divine feminine, protector of the holy grail, the goddess, the holy of holies. She is known by many names: Quan Yin, Diana, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Hathor, Hecate, Venus, Aphrodite, Freya, and Gaya.

Keepers of the sacred flame, you are being called to come together in community to be held, seen, and to heal your wounds; our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting. Together we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve; stepping forward with our own unique light, truth, and expression of the divine feminine in physical form.

As we heal one and awaken, we heal the many and the masses lifting the planetary vibration and the collective consciousness.  Together we will heal, grow, and rise united. 


Essential oils help expand and open our energy centers; our meridian points. Due to the connection between the olfaction and the limbic center of the brain we can literally shift how we feel in the moment and ultimately shift our consciousness in that moment.

Using essential oils is a way that we can repattern the brain by inhaling the oil, going through a healing and a meditation, and then inhaling the same essential oil at the end, which creates a brand new memory cell that is anchored into not only the limbic center of the brain but your cellular consciousness as well.

Because the limbic center is a lock and key system, that information, intelligence, energy, frequency, healing, and communion that you experience are all accessible when you inhale that same aroma again. 

For each Goddess, I create a specialized formulation, imprinted with her frequency to anchor and actualize her qualities within your energy field and blueprint. So we do have a Quan Yin formula, with oils like rose, neroli, gardenia, and mandarin. Tonight we’re going to just talk about a couple of oils and two crystals. Now, again, if you don’t have them, don’t worry because we’re going to invoke the cosmic consciousness and the vital life force of these plants and minerals to assist in the vibrational anchoring of this meditation’s healing.

The essential oil alchemy for invoking Quan Yin is green myrtle, which has an aroma that is purifying and expansive in nature, particularly for the heart center. We’re working specifically with a frequency of compassion in this meditation, which is centered in the heart. Additionally, we’ll work with some floral oils of jasmine, rose and gardenia to help remind us of the sweetness of life, and to really release the old patterns, beliefs, and emotions around grief, loss, betrayal, and anything that’s held in the heart space that limits our capacity to give and receive love, gratitude, and compassion. 

Whatever essential oil you have, I invite you to put a drop in your left hand because the left hand receives higher frequency. Just like the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands are very powerful vortices; vibrational energetic chakras and vortices of light that not only pull up the biochemical aspects of the essential oil, but also the frequency and vibration. Similarly, if you peel a clove of garlic and rub it on the sole of your foot, in less than a minute you can taste it. This is an indicator of how the essential oil is picked up at that part of the body, then introduced into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body. 

Go ahead and take a deep breath in for about 30 seconds.

We’re opening the circuitry in the cells, in the nervous system, In the auric field, and we’re also opening a new memory cell.


The plant and mineral kingdoms work synergistically together.  They hold the entire gamut of vibration and life force frequency to come in, repair, and bring great healing and acceleration of our spiritual growth and awakening from all that is held in our auric field down to the cellular consciousness, into the DNA, and into the mother and father bloodlines.

This is so important because if you think about, from the moment that you were conceived, every experience that you’ve had on a physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental level is imprinted in your trillions of cells held within your DNA. And so is every experience that your mother and father have had; they are held within you too. 

As walking miracles, we have the ability to bring consciousness, awareness, and healing not only to our personal existence holistically (into our cellular consciousness, DNA, and our bloodlines), but we also have the ability to truly quantum leap in our path of self-mastery and self-actualization… to really excavate, embody, anchor, and actualize our soul purpose; the reason that we’re here. 

Jade is a beautiful gem that resonates with Goddess Quan Yin. Jade is most often known for prosperity and luck, but it also has a gentle strength to open and expand the heart. It also holds very sacred coding for ancient eastern philosophy and spiritual teachings. When we’re working with Jade, it helps us to expand our understanding of universal truth. Sapphire is a beautiful stone that resonates with Goddess Quan Yin as well. Sapphire is good for working with the third eye area for inner and outer vision, and to bring deeper connection to divine consciousness. 

Again, if you don’t have either of these crystals that is okay as we are going to call forth the cosmic consciousness of each. 


Take a deep breath in and invite in the clarity of your intention into the sacred space.

We call for the presence of the angels of the four directions, to stabilize each of our fields and our collective hara. 

Archangel Raphael in the direction of East: sacred sound and thought, the element of air. We welcome thee now.

Archangel Michael in the direction of South: the element of fire, sacred transformation, and transfiguration. We welcome and honor thee now.

Archangel Gabriel in the direction of West: the element of water, sacred fluid bodies upon Mother Gaia, of deep emotional cleansing and purification. We welcome thee now.

Archangel Uriel in the direction of North: the element of earth, the sacred ground beneath our feet, structure, and solidarity. We welcome thee now. 

We invite the presence of each of your higher self, your I am Presence, your angels, guides, guardians, teachers, we invite your presence now.

We invoke the element of akasha, of all that is seen and unseen; past, present, future, and still unfolding.

We call for the overlighting Deva of healing for each of you and for each of the kingdoms of life; plant, mineral, and animal.

We call forth the presence of the Holy of Holies, the great silent watcher, the presence of the goddess, divine mother.

We open our hearts to your wisdom, your love, your healing, and your light. 

We call forth the vibrational patterning and energy signature of Goddess Quan Yin.

Breathe deeply into the very center of your hearts. See, feel, allow, imagine Quan Yin standing before you. Invite in the intention to open your field, your mind, your body, your heart, to her transmission. She is glowing in opalescent light. There is a warmth and a golden essence that she transmits to you. 

Breathe. It’s time to let go of all the old pain, struggle, silence, hurt, isolation, separation, anger, disappointment that you hold in your heart; that keeps you separate from each other, your strength lies in your connection and communion with each other. Your hearts rise In the sacred sisterhood of understanding each other’s pain and path. 

Continue to breathe in this warm light from mother Quan Yin, letting go of all that no longer serves the truth of who you are. Letting go of the heavy load, burden you’ve carried… and how you have judged one another through time.

On your next breath in, Quan Yin places her right hand upon your heart. In sacred attunement, she continues to lift the draws and density from your field and transmute them into golden light.

As you gaze to her left hand you see that a crown is held with the gems of Ruby and Sapphire, filled with pearls and sacred symbology. She places this crown upon your head as a reminder of the attunement and activation now held deep within your heart. 

Breathe into the very center of your heart, and as you bring your conscious awareness, you notice a pink flame that has been activated; the flame of compassion. Breathe as this flame begins to expand and recalibrate your heart space and reverberate out through every cell, particles, subatomic particle, through your blood, your bone, marrow, holographically through the auric field. The entirety of your being now vibrating, the frequency of compassion.

Om mani padme hum: you may say this mantra three times to yourself or out loud.

Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum.

Pay homage to the compassionate one, which is yourself.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of myrtle, jasmine, jade, and sapphire. We invoke and actualize your frequency upon every cell, molecule, particle, through the DNA portal to the mother and father bloodlines NOW. 

Let the breath come all the way down through you, assimilating these frequencies down deep into the lower belly, down through the legs, soles of the feet…sealing the frequency of compassion in your field.

We give thanks to all the frequencies and beings of light and kingdoms of life upon this sacred, sacred planet. All life is sacred.

Take a deep breath in, inhaling any oil left on your hands; completing this circuit, this new cell. This healing you can return to at any time.

In the light of the one, Aho. 

Mother Goddess Quan Yin, we offer you our love and gratitude. 

The angels and the four directions, and all beings of light present with us, we offer our love and gratitude.

So be it. 

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