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Zero Point Field and Intentional Creation


What is the Zero Point Field?

The zero point field is a dimension of limitless creative potential. Held within the core of our heart space, It is the sacred chamber where we can invite our consciousness, intention, and attention to be able to sculpt the dreams and desires that our soul longs to experience in this lifetime. When we’re working with the perspective of intentional creation,  our love and our gratitude become the sculptors intertwining with our intention to create. When I talk about creation from that perspective, it’s about creating beyond a third-dimensional construct of what seems possible or impossible.

As we look in our communities and our individual governments and economic systems and then looking at the world as a whole, we see that there are many, many things right now that are difficult to understand from a third-dimensional perspective.  This is where we have tremendous opportunity to be that change that we want to see in the world and to keep our beings as clear as possible.

Every week I mention an essential oil and a crystal because the plant and mineral kingdoms have such powerful medicine to not only bring healing and balance to our energy bodies but right down to our cellular level, into the level of the DNA and mother and father bloodlines. These bloodlines contain everything that we’ve carried to this point in creation, that’s held within our trillions and trillions of cells. It’s ok If you don’t have the oil or crystal I mention,  you can work with any oil or crystal that you have at your disposal. If you don’t have any oils or crystals that’s ok because we always work with the cosmic consciousness and the life force of each. 


Essential oils are so important because we can not only repattern the brain through their use, we can create new memory cells, which we do in these meditations. We can also literally shift the trajectory of our emotional response at the moment by inhaling the right essential oils and the right formulation. Like a stepping stone effect, when we shift our emotional response we’re able to shift our thinking process and then ultimately our consciousness as a whole. This is why essential oils are so important for our holistic health. They really contain the most potent form of plant medicine because it’s the quintessence of the plant. 

Ylang Ylang medicine is an activator for emotional release of the heart. It brings healing and balance to our feminine aspects and encourages us to let go of all the energies, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that no longer serve, so we can claim our greatness.  This clears pathways to emanate and embody more light and love in the heart, which allows us to strengthen and create more momentum as we’re creating from the perspective of intention and effortless intention. Ylang ylang alchemy connects our heart to our sacral chakra, to engage tantric lifeforce and energize our intentions with even greater momentum.

Ylang ylang is wonderful for releasing old energies around grief, betrayal, and any energy or emotion that is stuck specifically in the heart area. 

If you have any essential oil at all, put a drop in the palm of your left hand; the left hand receives a higher frequency. Then take a deep breath, and as you’re breathing deeply, you’re creating a new memory cell that will forever be held within… not just in your brain, but in your cellular consciousness. Invite in your intention as you’re inhaling your essential oil.

You are now opening the levels of the auric field, the energy centers, the meridian points to be able to move the energy into your cellular consciousness. 


Ruby medicine invokes the richness, depth, and sacred nature of the human heart. Ruby alchemy opens the pathway to the Holy of Holies, the sacred chamber within our heart space where the zero point field and dimension of limitless creation exists. Ruby alchemy expands our sense of connection to the soul on the inner planes and activates our inner radiance, sensuality, and mysticism.

If you have your crystal, you can anoint it, you can hold it in your hand or you can place it on your body If you’re laying down in meditation, whichever is most comfortable for you.


Take a deep breath in and bring your attention and focus to the dantien point, about an inch below your navel; the single note that holds you into physical form. Breathe down through the chakra, down through the legs, the feet, all three lines of light meeting at the earth crust chakra. 

Sinking down deep through the layers of the earth. Down deeper and deeper, and then merging with the core crystal at the very center of the earth. Let the calibration of this connection realign your earth connection to the core crystal. Feel all of the tension, stress, chaos, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm dissolve.

We invite the presence of the angels of the four directions to sit around and stabilize our individual fields as well as our collective hara, the vehicle of light. 

Rafael in the direction of East. Michael in the direction of South. Gabriel in the direction of West. Urial in the direction of North.

On your next breath envision a platinum ray of light that begins to beam down from the higher realms with such brilliance. It begins as a point of platinum light and then expands out to millions of rays of platinum light that begin to rain down upon your fields…lifting any density and any lower frequencies.

Platinum rays of light beaming down through the crown, through your center channel cleansing, clearing, lifting the frequency. Cleansing the blood, the bone, the marrow, all the way down through the organs, the cells, the molecules, subatomic structures.

Pulsating platinum light down to each of the trillions and trillions of cells in the body and through the DNA, the mother and father bloodlines.

Calibrating, reconfiguring, reorganizing at the particle level NOW. Chakra centers are realigning throughout our field.

On the next breath in, see, feel, allow your heart to begin to expand. The vibration quickens. You may feel a tingling in this area as the heart begins to expand further.

Take a deep breath into the very center of your heart space, to the sacred chamber, the Holy of Holies, to the zero point field of limitless creative potential.

This is a dimension that exists beyond the third, fourth, and even fifth-dimensional octave. It is ripe with all possibility.

Invite your consciousness to sit in this sacred temple in the center of your heart, as we invite the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of ruby and ylang ylang. Invite this frequency to imprint and actualize Its spirit medicine into the cellular consciousness, into the particles, subatomic particles, the DNA at potency, and 10 mm NOW.

Breathe deeply. Breathing into each cell of the body. Tuning every level of your being to the frequency of the zero point field and the realm of intentional effortless creation.

Breathe in your intentions, and invite the frequency of love and gratitude to dance and synergize with your intentions.

Allowing the hara line to realign itself.  Hara is a dimension of effortless intention. When we align with our hara we are aligned with our life purpose. 

What is it that you have come here to create in this life? To embody? To experience? And to emanate?

The longings that are held in your soul, no limitation….no constriction. Breathe in the freedom of this sacred chamber deep in your heart. Put forth your intentions for the planet, your loved ones. We offer this healing for the earth and all kingdoms of life:

The plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms… may they activate to their full-spectrum and blueprint of source light, frequency of medicine, of life force, of sacredness. And for all of humanity to remember the spark of divinity and sovereignty that is within each of us and unites us as one. Aho.

Inhale any oil left on your hands for about 30 seconds as you close the memory cell that is filled with the vibration, the healing, and the communion from this meditation that you can revisit anytime through intention and inhaling the same aroma.

Offer a prayer of gratitude to yourself for carving this time for all of the beings, physical and non-physical here this evening, and holding the space.

So be it!

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