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Engaging with Miracle Consciousness


As we move beyond the third-dimensional construct of limitation, we have the beautiful opportunity to engage and explore the consciousness of miracles. We are invited to look beyond our ego desires and to instead turn our focus inward to our heart and our soul path, and hear our true inner calling for divine co-creation. The plant, mineral, and vibrational frequencies encourage our deepest longings for healing and transformation along the path of self-mastery. 

Our two primary alchemical interventions from the plant and crystal kingdoms are tuberose and emerald

Tuberose medicine reminds us to reach for the heavens and to swing upon the stars along the way. It’s exquisite and floral aroma sings deeply into our hearts, encouraging the songs of our soul to be elevated and set free. The alchemy of tuberose awakens the soul seat, where all the longings for this incarnation are held, to expand and dance our desires into creation. Tuberose reminds us that our intentions and ability to create them are to serve the Divine and not our egos. Its sacred medicine finds you when you are ready to step into the next level of your soul path. 

Emerald medicine is one of activation and unification. It is an alchemy of profundity that draws us deep inside, into our heart space and the zero point field; the dimension of limitless creative potential. This activation runs both down along the hara line to the center of Mother Earth, to the sacred crystals and ceremonial points that source all fecundity. The alchemy of emerald then activates it’s vibration back up the hara, through to the higher realms of Divine consciousness, expanding our connection and understanding of our true nature and purpose.   

Please use the oil and crystal you have on hand. Apply one drop of oil to your left palm, rub your hands together and breathe in deeply for 30-45 seconds as you invite in the clarity of your intention. What is it that you long to create in your life right now? Tap your soul seat, (thymus area) to activate this sacred center, which is filled with all the longings for this incarnation. What does your soul long for?

If you are using a crystal, anoint it with your oil(s) and hold it in your left hand or if you are lying down place it over your soul seat. 

Breathe into the dantian, just below the navel. Invite a golden line of light to come from this center down through your root and down each leg simultaneously, meeting at the earth core chakra and SINK deep down into the earth. 

Releasing the tension of the day, the week, the times. You begin to feel like you are sliding down an emerald column of light to the very center of Mother earth. This sacred chamber surrounded by crystals of all colors and four pillars of light that represent the four cardinal points, fills you with peace and begins to recalibrate you at the cellular and DNA level. Emerald light activates each and every cell, the bone, the blood, the marrow all infused with emerald light. 

The sacred medicine of the tuberose begins to flood down from the higher realms, lifting your frequency and expanding your understanding of the greater truths of yourself and the universe. Let go of all limitations: thoughts, patterns, beliefs, emotions….anything that hinders you from claiming your greatness. Set it free and it sets you free. 

Breathe into the very center of your heartspace, to the zero point field, the dimension of limitless creation. It is pulsating with emerald light. Bring the seeds of your intentions here so they may root, grow and flourish. Every dream, every desire, every longing you hold for this incarnation is potential awaiting your attention, your intention. 

The light of the Infinite source is the sacred clay of and for your creation. Sculpt your miracle with great joy, with great pleasure. As you do, you pass the activation codes on to those around you who also stand ready to expand beyond what appears possible. Everything is possible.

The miracle that you have searched lifetimes for, that you continue to search for right now, is and has always been held within you. Deep within your cellular matrices held sacredly in the structure of your DNA, is the spark of Divinity that beckons you to awaken to your co-creative nature. The dreams and desires that you hold in your core are all potentials awaiting your remembrance and embrace. 

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

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