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Healing the Child Within


I like to think of the childhood dynamics that we experience as creating this beautiful treasure map for what we’ve come into this lifetime to bring the light of consciousness and healing to; for the elevation of our spirit and our soul. Really, for the growth of our soul or our soul work.

Our child consciousness is often subconscious. It’s at play, but we don’t necessarily know it.  And so when we’re thinking about areas of our life where we have patterns, whether it’s physical disease or disharmony, a pattern that continues to play out in our relationships or in our careers, or perhaps something seems to be off when looking at our relationship with financial abundance, even though we know that from an adult perspective, we’re taking all of the steps needed…that is the moment we can take a look into the child consciousness and what I like to call our personality or soul triad. If you imagine a pyramid at the three points, we have our female aspect, our male aspect, and then our child aspect.

The male and female represent our early childhood dynamics and our relationships with our mother and father, and then of course everything that’s held in our bloodlines through our DNA, which is one of the major focuses of our work; to bring the light of consciousness through the DNA so we can experience sustainable shifts.

When we’re looking at that pyramid, we also have the child consciousness. Until we bring all three of those aspects to a tipping point of healing or balance, we’re not able to actualize the deepest longings that we have in our soul seat, in our soul, in our heart of hearts. And so when we look at places of child consciousness, one of the questions we want to ask ourselves is where are the places where we don’t feel worthy? Whether we don’t feel worthy of love, of money, of all of the things that deep within our heart and our souls we long for.

In this meditation and healing journey with the crystal alchemy, plant medicine alchemy, and our vibrational frequency, we’re going to bring the light of healing into the child consciousness in any places of lack, and where we don’t feel that place of worthiness because of whatever imprint we experienced in our early childhood dynamics.


Lavender is our essential oil for this mediation and journey of healing the inner child and the places of child consciousness that are within us. It has such an ease and grace to it. It’s the way of the peacemaker with its vibration and its aromatic molecules. If you don’t have lavender at home, we’re going to be connecting in with the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of the plant for healing, and it will still do its work. 

I usually like to work with at least three different types of lavender. My favorite from a medicinal perspective is a Highland French lavender. I also love Bulgarian lavender, which has a very soft nuance to it. Interestingly lavender from Kashmir has a very calming quality, which speaks to the wisdom of the plant kingdom to be able to grow in a certain area of the world that can really benefit from the frequency of peacekeeping and gentleness. Those are three of my favorites, and a new one that I have just come up with is one from the Ukraine, which is extraordinary and has completely surprised and delighted me in so many ways.

If you do have lavender, you can go ahead and put a drop on the palm of your hand. We start with a drop on the left hand, which receives higher frequency. Any other oil that you have at your disposal is also perfect to use. Just inhale it, and as we inhale it because of the direct connection between olfaction and the limbic center of our brain, we’re able to go in past the blood brain barrier and access the brain and the blood stream. Since the oil comes into our chakras, it comes into the Meridian points, which are also smaller vortices of light and opens them up to the healing frequency that we’re going to receive today. 

Also, one of the really potent aspects of essential oils is they’re able to penetrate deeply into the cellular level of our consciousness and bring their medicine, their vibration biochemically as well as energetically.

So when breathing in our oils, we’re creating the beginning of a new memory. This memory will be all of our journeying and healing with this meditation working with the plant and crystal medicine.


Honey Calcite is our crystal alchemy. There are quite a few different types. This is really wonderful for bringing a gentle loving vibration into the child consciousness, and in particular into the solar plexus area, which is our source of power. Oftentimes when we have subconscious child consciousness at play, it really affects our level of empowerment and moving into those places where we don’t feel worthy. Those are all held in the solar plexus, and so this makes it a really great crystal to bring that healing energy to this area of our body and our being. 

If you don’t have honey calcite, that’s quite all right. Use whatever crystal you have at your disposal if you have one. 


On your next deep breath in, bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel. The single note that holds you in physical form, the unique tone that is akin only to your light.

Breathe into the lower belly as you let the stress and the tension of the day, the week, the month, or simply the time dissipate and dissolve.

Now invite a golden line of light to drop down from the center of the dantien through your root center, down through each leg, out through each sole, and then unifying together at the earth star chakra.

Three lines of golden light unified, sinking deeply into the nourishing safety of Mother Earth, the mother of all mothers. Sink down and connect in with the core crystal at the very center of the earth.

See, feel, allow, imagine this beautiful amber light and life force begin to bubble back up, rising through each layer and level on the earth, all the way back out through the earth star chakra, up through the soles, up through the legs, and the root meeting back at the dantien point until this point begins to pulsate with amber light.

Nourishing and recalibrating every layer and level of the field. Deep down into the cellular consciousness, into the cells, the molecules, the particles, subatomic structure, into the bone and the blood.

Amber life force rising now up through the belly, up through the sacral chakra, the solar plexus. Feeling it come up through the chest and the heart revitalizing each and every one of the trillions of cells in your body. 

Amber light, renewable life source from the core of Mother Earth. Moving up now through the shoulders, the high heart, the throat, through the jaw, the face, the head, up through the crown, and the antahkarana point.

Amber light now being drawn up through the higher realms trigger the light, light, light up to the throne of Divine Consciousness, where the amber light begins to mix with a brilliant golden light filled with sacred geometric formations, sacred symbols, letters from the sacred languages.

As you bring your vision to witness the beauty of what is unfolding above you, it begins to move down and rain upon each and every layer of your auric field.

You might experience a sensation as specific forms click into alignment within your energy bodies and holographically into your cellular consciousness NOW.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of lavender, Lavandula angustifolia. We anchor that within our cellular consciousness at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

Through our cellular consciousness, we connect in holographically with every species of lavender grown upon this planet, inviting the intention for the full spectrum of medicine and vibration to be activated and unified across the planet.

May it’s coding of peace be imprinted upon each of ourselves. May it imbue every aspect of child consciousness within calling for love, calling for healing, calling for light.

Breathe and bathe as this medicine navigates through your own child within. If there are memories that come forth, embrace them in this healing frequency of light and peace.

May this vibration come through our DNA bloodlines, mother line, father line… bringing this light of peace through our Akashic records. Through all time and no time.

On the next breath in, we call for the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of honey calcite to beam it’s healing light in through our solar plexus, actualizing into each cell at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

This frequency is dissolving places of isolation and separation within. Breathe in the softness, the gentleness, the sweetness from this crystal medicine. Feel it illuminate and activate each cell with its golden honey light and frequency.

Let every aspect and every age of yourself, as it comes forth for healing, be embraced in this sweet love and warmth.

May every aspect of your child within be embraced and be in this light of healing and wholeness.

May you remind that child within, and every age through your timeline, and every member of your lineage, you are a divine being of light, worthy of great abundance of love, prosperity, resources, support, communion.

Breathe this truth deep into your heart space and to the very center of your heart into the zero point field of limitless creative potential.

Here put forth your intentions in this sacred, sacred vessel.

We offer this healing to the earth and all kingdoms of life on this planet. The plant, mineral, animal kingdoms: may you remember and awaken to the fullness of your life force, your vibration, your spirit, and your unity.

For the human kingdom, may we awaken to the remembrance of the spark of divinity and sovereignty within us all. Illumine more brightly so that all of our light may unite as one.

You have oil on your hands, breathe it in again to complete this circuit, to close this memory cell. It is forever embedded within you. You can revisit these moments at any time through this aroma or through your intention.

So be It.

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