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Lady Nada Meditation for Divine Love


Happy Fall Everyone. 

I host a monthly Divine Feminine Group with the intention of Igniting the Goddess within. Each month we honor a specific Goddess. In September we celebrated Lady Nada and worked with the energies of the pink flame; the consciousness of divine love and connecting into clear all the pathways of karma and karmic entanglements.

Each Divine Feminine gathering begins with an invocation, discusses an essential oil and crystal, and has a meditation. I like to share each gathering as a blog so that the content and healing can be accessible to all. 

One of the reasons that we come together in sacred community is to ignite all the levels of the divine feminine within us so we can support each other. So we can remember collectively and create greater momentum to be able to remember the very powerful co-creators we are of reality and how there is magic alive within us.

When we can come back into a place of deep connection with our own wise women selves, that allows us to become more receptive. It allows us to connect in with our intuitive aspects and our magic in so many ways; so much strength and grace.


Open your body, open your mind, open your hearts. You are the keepers of the sacred flame. The template of the divine feminine protector of the Holy Grail, the Goddess, the Holy of Holies. She is known by many names. NAda, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, the Magdalene, Quan Yin, Hecate, Venus, Freya, and Gaia. 

Keepers of the sacred flame, you are being called to come together in community; to be held, seen. To heal your wounds, our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting. Together, we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve, stepping forward with our unique light, truth, and expression of the divine in physical form. As we heal as one and awaken, we heal the many, lifting the planetary vibration and the collective consciousness.

Together, we will unite all the aspects of her beauty, wisdom, power, and grace, and we will rise as one shining in our greatest love


Blue and pink lotus are relevant essential oils for invoking and embodying Lady Nada. The consciousness of the Lotus is so powerful for not only opening our hearts but also opening our crowns. I have a blue Lotus attar that’s rare, precious, and truly magnificent. Blue Lotus attar has flowers that come in pink, blue, and white.

And I had the privilege of spending some time in Southern India where we went out to the lotus ponds at 5:30 am and the beautiful men that were leading our group went out in these small boats and paddled with their hands, and came back with the most exquisite lotus flowers. You could feel the vibration as it opened in your hand. The aroma was so ethereal it just lifted you up and out and expanded in so many ways and facets. 

As always in our meditations, don’t worry if you don’t have the mentioned essential oils, in fact, any essential oil that you have can be an anchor. The power of the limbic system offers potent opportunities for transformation. Inhaling the right essential oil can create a connection, a new cell, and a new cellular experience with your journey. 

Whatever essential oil you have, drop a little bit into your left palm. The left palm receives higher energies and the palms just like the soles of the feet are wonderful vortices for pulling in the biochemical aspects of the essential oils and also the vibrational aspects. 

Inhale the essential oil in your palms for about 20 to 30 seconds as you invite in the clarity of your intention for this healing and awakening.


Selenite is most often seen in wands that are clear. It’s wonderful for cleansing and purification. We’re going to work with pink selenite here because as we’re connecting in with the pink flame and the consciousness of divine love, specifically with the intention for cleansing at the karmic level, this is a wonderful stone for that and to access the heart. 

Ruby is also a wonderful stone that is in alignment for the energetic frequency and vibration of Lady Nada.


Take a deep breath and presence yourself.

On your next breath in, let go of all the stress and tension of the day. Bring your focus to the dantien point, which is about an inch and a half below your navel. It’s known as a power point in terms of martial arts. This point represents that one physical note that holds us into this body; that one note that is unique to you.

Setting our intention to ground down from the center of our dantien point where the golden line of light moves down through the root chakra, and also simultaneously down through each leg and out through each sole of the foot. Three golden lines of light uniting at the earth crust chakra where they will sink.

Sink into the deep receptivity and nourishment of the mother of all mothers, Mother Earth.

Open yourself to feel the great vitality and abundance that is here for you and this place of deep connectivity.

Brilliant green light is nourishing each cell, each of the trillions of cells in your body from this connection.

Restoring vibrancy and vitality on all levels; all levels of the auric field, all organs of the body, the bone, the blood, Into the bone marrow. Deep connection with Mother Earth.

We let this beautiful life force continue to move up through us.

Feel yourself surrounded by the very heart of Goddess Gaia with such great joy, with such receptivity, with such longing for connection, communion.

Receiving this beautiful vibration and frequency that comes from her core into your core.

Moving up through your heart, to high heart, throat, into the head. This Greenlight continues to nourish and revitalize, moving up now through the crown and antahkarana point. Up through the higher realms to the cosmic throne of Lady Nada.

She’s illuminated in a brilliant pink ray of light that comes from the flame burning brightly at the very center of her heart.

Envision this pink ray unfolding into a sphere that expands 360 degrees around her. This pink sphere filled with the frequency and vibration of divine love begins to magnetically lift you higher and higher and higher until you are standing before her throne.


We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of blue and pink lotus.

We invite this vibration and frequency to penetrate and permeate every level of our being, anchoring into the molecular consciousness at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of pink selenite and ruby.

We invite the wholeness of your frequency into every cell and particle within our being at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

On the next breath in, Lady Nada beams a pink ray of light directly from her heart into yours. Invite this frequency of divine love to fill, heal, bless every aspect of who you are, into every crevice, every shadow.

Allow this frequency of divine love to open every door that is closed in your heart. Invite her to activate the pathway of service and ministry that is unique to you. Feeling your heart open, like the thousand-petaled lotus, drinking in that divine love.

you may choose to call on Nada to assist you to release karmic entanglements from all people, places, and things. Invite in a dialogue with your intentions, prayers, and requests. These will synergize with the alchemy of the moon, and the sacred flame within your heart will burn brighter from this day forward.

Put forth your intentions for Mother Earth, humankind. We offer this healing to all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. Every life is sacred. May the pink flame and divine love be activated within each kingdom and in particular, the human kingdom. 

May the template for the divine plan unfold in the most benevolent outcome. May we remember that our love heals and transforms all places of limitation, separation, and forgetting.

May our light within be illumined in its full brightness to awaken the remembrance of the spark of divinity and sovereignty for all beings. Aho. 

You can breathe in any oil that’s left on your hands to complete this circuit, to complete this memory cell that is fully alive within your being. You can come back to this moment at any time you choose.

In great gratitude, we honor the goddess, divine mother, Nada, and all aspects of the divine feminine.

So be it. 

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