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Transmuting Betrayal


We are at a point of time and space where Mother Earth and all of humanity is purging any and all third-dimensional energies to expand our collective consciousness to that of higher dimensions of reality.  For us to embody and emanate these frequencies, we must also purge and transmute this on the personal level all constrictive energies in our being, especially our hearts. For when we do, we are able to assimilate the wisdom on the soul level and able to connect with the infinite consciousness in a deeper way. We’ll have a greater understanding to shift our healing and post this to the web of life, lifting the planetary consciousness.

We have all experienced betrayal on a personal level within our family line and collectively feeling the wound of betrayal from political, governmental, and financial levels, from large business organizations, and for many environmental events that are happening all around the planet. Right now, we have carried this energy of pain and distortion deep within our hearts, in our DNA, and in our mother and father bloodlines.

Today’s session will be a purge to transmute betrayal into compassion so that we can clear this pattern through the collective consciousness and the DNA of all future humanity.


Geranium and Immortelle.

In our meditations, it’s okay if you don’t have the oil or crystal I suggest because we work with the cosmic consciousness.

Geranium medicine brings deep healing to the Divine Feminine aspects and is potent alchemy for healing the mother bloodline. This oil also has an affinity for balancing hormone levels throughout all stages of womanhood, whether it is PMS or menopause. Geranium is beneficial for calming and balancing the emotions, dissolves patterns of not feeling enough, and encourages our inner “wise one” to surface. This oil brings us back to a place of deep connection with the divine feminine within. 

Immortelle, specifically Helichrysum italicum is alchemy for healing the male bloodline. This oil assists in releasing the deep pains held within both generationally as well as the collective consciousness around abuse of power, which tends to surface subconsciously in patterns of self-punishment and self-abuse. Immortelle transmutes the energy of separation and isolation to consciousness of compassion. This oil also helps to balance inflamed emotions, specifically anger, frustration, and jealousy. These two oils support the balancing of our inner male and female personality aspects. This bridges a greater understanding of the differences and opportunities for growth that our two primary natures offer us in the path of self-mastery. 

With these two oils, we’re going to work with the frequency today to come in and heal at the DNA level of our own mother and father bloodlines. You might notice that as we’re going through the meditation today, there are specific parts in your body you might feel either discomfort or movement, and that’s just the energy that’s been held within the cells and the auric field being released and transmuted. 


Malachite medicine takes us deep into the Earth to a sacred chamber of healing to commune with Goddess Gaia. The alchemy of this stone is one of cellular healing and journeying. It bathes our cells, portals to our DNA, and bloodlines, with its deep green vibrations and soothing frequencies assist us to release old patterns and planetary constructs of pain and struggle. Malachite as a journeying stone brings us into a place of greater connection with the earth to understand the wise medicine that is available through both the plant and mineral kingdoms. The energy frequency within the crystal of malachite is very balanced from the feminine and masculine perspective as well, so it helps unite those aspects within our personality, as well as bringing that healing through the bloodline.


Whatever oil(s) you have at your disposal, you can put them onto your hands starting with the left palm, which receives higher frequency. Breathe in the scent for about 30 seconds.

If you have a crystal that you want to use, you can also anoint the crystal with your oil and you can either hold it or place it upon your body in any place that you feel called to, especially any place where you feel discomfort right now. 

As you’re inhaling the oil, invite any frequency and patterning of betrayal in both the mother and father bloodlines and all of your physiology to be purged; to be transmuted to the consciousness of compassion. 

On the next breath in, bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point right below your navel.

Envision a deep green sphere of light that is vibrating right in front of the dantien. Slowly this deep green light begins to permeate into the dantien and reconfigures your cellular consciousness here. Feel your belly expand with the deep green light.

Now envision this deep green ray of light beam down from the very center and core of the dantien, down through the root chakra, down through both the legs, out through the soles of the feet. 

This green light, green intertwined with gold, sinks down deep through the earth crust chakra, through each layer of the earth, until it reaches the very core.

There is the sacred temple at the very core of the earth filled with crystals of every color and variation. This sacred chamber calls to you. Recognizing the vibration of malachite that is intertwined with your own light. 

Take a deep breath as every cell in your body begins to quicken and recalibrate with this light.

Throughout millennia the human race and other races that have been here before and during have experienced the repeated pattern and trauma of betrayal. You are being called here today to release and transmute the places and patterns of betrayal held deep within your cellular consciousness and DNA; mother, father bloodlines.

Breathe and open. 

Mother earth is ready to transmute these frequencies now. As each of you release through your own bloodline, the web of life is imprinted; your soul is imprinted,  your soul is imprinted, your soul family is imprinted, the collective consciousness is imprinted with the higher frequency of light and compassion.

Soften your body to allow the frequency of these crystals to repattern at the level of your DNA.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of Immortelle, draining. Intertwine your light and sacred medicine, and imprint it upon every cell, molecule, particle, wave-particle, structure, matrices, every layer and level of the field to the bone, the blood, the marrow at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

You may notice sensations in your physicality, breathe into them. Let the light and sacred medicine and vibration transmute this consciousness into one of compassion.

Feel your hearts open and expand.

Let any emotion arise to the surface to be released as it chooses to. Let all of your chakras and meridian points reconfigure and realign NOW.

We invite the energy of forgiveness in sacred offering first to ourselves. Any pains and betrayals to the core self, authentic self, divine self. 

And any of those within your bloodline or relationship of any regard that are calling to release and transmute the energy of betrayal, bless them as they come before you now. 

Betrayal teaches us to honor ourselves first and foremost, and then teaches compassion for those that have come across our paths in any manner; in relationship, business, government, politics, influential economies, religion, sacred relationship, all levels of relationship including family.

Breathe in the vibration emanating from this sacred crystal chamber. It is permeated with the presence of Goddess Gaia, in all of her glory, abundance, and empowerment. Glory, abundance, and empowerment are your birthright as divine beings of light upon this sacred planet. 

Breathe into your heart space, allowing the energy and vortex to recalibrate. Put forth your sacred intentions for yourself, your loved ones, for our planet. We offer this healing to Earth and all kingdoms of life: plant, mineral, animal; may they awaken to the whole frequency and vibration of life force, spirit. The perfective blueprint from the mind of the creator awakened fully.

For humanity to remember the spark of divinity and sovereignty that resides within and unites us all as one. Breathe.

A prayer of sacred gratitude and blessing or entry to this chamber of light. Blessing of gratitude to Goddess Gaia. Gratitude and blessing to ourselves and each other.

When you’re ready, you can bring your consciousness back to the present moment.

Inhale the oil on your hands, closing and sealing this memory cell within your being. Sacred light and healing.

So be it.

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