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Gary Bonnell Tue, 14 Jun 2022 17:09:29 +0000 “This is one of the most comprehensive tomes on the subject Plant and Vibrational Medicine – a must-have for anyone – personal practitioner and professional healer. Congratulations on such a stunning compilation of healing wisdom.” GARY BONNELL AUTHOR • PUBLIC SPEAKER • TEACHER • CONSULTANT

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“This is one of the most comprehensive tomes on the subject Plant and Vibrational Medicine – a must-have for anyone – personal practitioner and professional healer. Congratulations on such a stunning compilation of healing wisdom.”



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Claiming Your Sovereignty Sat, 21 Nov 2020 00:12:45 +0000 Breathe deeply allowing all of the tension of the day, of the week, of the times to dissolve. Feeling your earth connection begin to revitalize each and every cell. Trillions of cells in your body revitalize and recalibrate each layer of the field, the auric field with a new sense of ease, comfort, connection, communion.

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We just passed a very potent alchemical day, 11/11. This is a time of great and poignant shift for us collectively as a race for our planet and for each of us individually. It’s a really beautiful time to invoke this new decree, of sovereignty and freedom. We are now being called to claim our right as divine beings of light and fully sovereign beings that can disconnect from the third-dimensional construct through our energetic configurations, cellular consciousness, and DNA, connecting with our more multi-dimensional…five-dimensional and beyond beings.

With each meditation, I share alchemical interventions from both the plant and the mineral kingdoms, which work synergistically and offer us the full spectrum of medicine from the spirit level to our physiological, mental, and emotional levels to restore balance and homeostasis within the human race, but to help activate and empower us to be even more than we even think possible at this moment. 

I like to call the personal process of evolution and transformation, “over the shoulder moments”  These are the moments when we look over our shoulder to look at the path that we’ve traversed that has brought us perfectly to this moment of time and space. It gives us the opportunity to see how far we’ve come and to honor and acknowledge our path and our humanity.

Human evolution isn’t about being perfect per se, but it’s about acknowledging how far we’ve come from our own journey, from our own point of origination, and then introspecting back through our family lineage. Each meditation we talk about healing at the DNA level because it allows us to alter the past and the present, and also the future for ourselves, for our soul family, and for the evolutionary process of the earth and all consciousness here including all kingdoms of life.

Working synergistically with the plant and the mineral kingdoms and the vibration within, each of these meditations creates greater synergy within us. When we’re working with synergy at this level, it allows us to quantum leap along our own pathway, which looks different for every single person.


Blue kyanite is medicine of freedom and sovereignty. The alchemy of this stone activates the FREEDOM code latent within our DNA. Meditating with this stone will assist to open the higher chakras to access wisdom from the higher self. It’s most associated with the throat chakra and activating freedom to be able to speak our truth with strength, grace, and balance, connecting us to greater self-expression and innovative forms of creativity. 


Sandalwood medicine is potent. Its rich aroma speaks of ancient forests and sacred medicine.  It’s endangered and so please use it sparingly and reverently, and from a place of honor because the medicine is still here right now because we can shift deeply from its vibrational pattern. I like to work with New Caledonian for this reason. Sandalwood has this affinity to open the crown and connect with the higher frequency from divine consciousness, and to also amalgamate and realign our center channel and the hara line to strengthen, clear, balance, and expand it. It also has a wonderful affinity for opening the root chakra and allowing us to connect more deeply to the earth. And even with ourselves, into our bodies, and opening our aspects of the sacral chakra for essential connection because we have so much life force there, especially as women. This central center Isn’t just about sex. It’s about creativity and connecting with our inner wise woman. 

Sandalwood is really beautiful to be able to open the heaven and the earth connection so we can run higher levels of light quotient through our field, and also helping to strengthen the hara line to do that.

The hara is the gateway to the dimension of effortless intention. When we are aligned with our hara, we’re aligned with our soul purpose; our divine purpose, or mission. It’s really such an important place to consider, especially right now as we’re letting go of the third-dimensional constructs within our field, within our nervous system, within our cellular consciousness, and within our DNA. so we can open to living a life from effortless intention, intentional creation from the zero point field. Just like in our previous meditation, we are expanding our consciousness out to a place of limitless potential. 

If you don’t have blue kyanite or sandalwood, it’s okay, you can use whatever oil and crystal you have at home. And if you don’t have any, that’s also alright because we’re going to be working with the cosmic consciousness and the vital life force of both. 

If you do have an oil, go ahead and put a drop on the left palm of your hand. Take a deep breath in for about 30 seconds. As we create an open this new memory cell it will be filled with the healing, the vibration, and the awakening that we experience in this sacred time of meditation. 

So inviting in the aromatic molecules to come into the auric field and open into the meridian points and expand into the cells opening to receive the most benevolent experience for this meditation in accordance with your I am presence and your sacred intentions. If you have a crystal you can hold it in your hand or place it on your body. 


Take a deep breath in and bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel.

Connect in with this sphere of light, the single note that holds you into form, into incarnation, into physicality.  From the very center of your dantien, Invite a golden line of light to drop down effortlessly through your root chakra simultaneously down each leg, out the souls of the feet and all three lines of light meeting together in unity at the earth crust chakra…and sink. 

This golden line of light begins to expand 360 degrees, as it moves down through each layer of the earth, to the very center.

Breathe deeply allowing all of the tension of the day, of the week, of the times to dissolve. Feeling your earth connection begin to revitalize each and every cell. Trillions of cells in your body revitalize and recalibrate each layer of the field, the auric field with a new sense of ease, comfort, connection, communion.

On the next breath in, envision a golden column of light that begins to move down from the higher realms, from the throne of divine consciousness, divine light, source light.

This golden column comes down and encapsulates you. Breathe in this golden light and drink it into each cell and subatomic structure within your physiology.

Drink this golden light into your bones, your blood, your marrow…feeling a quickening within each structure in the body, releasing all lower frequency, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs of limitation and constriction until each of your columns of golden light is filled with the frequency of source light, divine light.

Breathe and bathe in this purity. Every moment has led you perfectly, divinely here and now. Lovingly embrace each and every experience that has brought you here. Hold it in deep reverence and gratitude for all the places it has illuminated within you.

Each energy center, chakra recalibrates and realigns with this higher level of light. On the next breath in, another golden column of light begins to move down through the higher realms to encapsulate you all the way down to each level of the field, down through the layers of the earth to the very core, the very center of the earth.

We invoke the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of sandalwood and blue kyanite. We invite your frequency to imprint and actualize its vibration; the full spectrum of vibration and medicine into each and every cell down through the portal of DNA, into the mother and father bloodlines. Invoking the template of sovereignty as the divine being of light that we are.

Invite this frequency to download NOW at a potency of 10 mm as this vibration floods the auric field, the nervous system, the bone, the blood, the cells, and the DNA.

In this moment, declare and decree “I am a sovereign being of divine light. I am that I am.”

Allowing yourself to fully disconnect, dismantle, dissolve the connection and attachment to the third-dimensional reality. Committing to walk the path of light in your multidimensional form in this physicality. This is the path of freedom and your divine birthright.

Love each and every moment that has brought you perfectly here now. May the flame of freedom, sovereignty, divine truth, and love that is activated within you burn as or more brightly with each and every breath.

You are stewards of light. Beacons of light. Stand tall in your truth.

We offer this healing to earth in all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. All kingdoms of life are sacred. All life is sacred. May we remember this truth as it unites us as one

In great gratitude.

Take a deep breath of any oil left on your hands to close this memory cell, anchoring it into your brain, into your cellular consciousness. You can come back to this healing and all of the beautiful frequency held within this memory cell by inhaling the same aroma again in the future and through the power of your intention.

Love and Blessings. 

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

Follow @adorawinquist on Instagram for tips on holistic living!


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Zero Point Field and Intentional Creation Thu, 12 Nov 2020 19:50:44 +0000 Ylang ylang medicine is an activator for emotional release of the heart. It brings healing and balance to our feminine aspects, and encourages us to let go of all the energies, thoughts, emotions and beliefs that no longer serve, so we can claim our greatness. This clears pathways to emanate and embody more light and love in the heart, which allows us to strengthen and create more momentum as we're creating from the perspective of intention and effortless intention. Ylang ylang alchemy connects our heart to our sacral chakra, to engage tantric lifeforce and energize our intentions with even greater momentum.

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What is the Zero Point Field?

The zero point field is a dimension of limitless creative potential. Held within the core of our heart space, It is the sacred chamber where we can invite our consciousness, intention, and attention to be able to sculpt the dreams and desires that our soul longs to experience in this lifetime. When we’re working with the perspective of intentional creation,  our love and our gratitude become the sculptors intertwining with our intention to create. When I talk about creation from that perspective, it’s about creating beyond a third-dimensional construct of what seems possible or impossible.

As we look in our communities and our individual governments and economic systems and then looking at the world as a whole, we see that there are many, many things right now that are difficult to understand from a third-dimensional perspective.  This is where we have tremendous opportunity to be that change that we want to see in the world and to keep our beings as clear as possible.

Every week I mention an essential oil and a crystal because the plant and mineral kingdoms have such powerful medicine to not only bring healing and balance to our energy bodies but right down to our cellular level, into the level of the DNA and mother and father bloodlines. These bloodlines contain everything that we’ve carried to this point in creation, that’s held within our trillions and trillions of cells. It’s ok If you don’t have the oil or crystal I mention,  you can work with any oil or crystal that you have at your disposal. If you don’t have any oils or crystals that’s ok because we always work with the cosmic consciousness and the life force of each. 


Essential oils are so important because we can not only repattern the brain through their use, we can create new memory cells, which we do in these meditations. We can also literally shift the trajectory of our emotional response at the moment by inhaling the right essential oils and the right formulation. Like a stepping stone effect, when we shift our emotional response we’re able to shift our thinking process and then ultimately our consciousness as a whole. This is why essential oils are so important for our holistic health. They really contain the most potent form of plant medicine because it’s the quintessence of the plant. 

Ylang Ylang medicine is an activator for emotional release of the heart. It brings healing and balance to our feminine aspects and encourages us to let go of all the energies, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that no longer serve, so we can claim our greatness.  This clears pathways to emanate and embody more light and love in the heart, which allows us to strengthen and create more momentum as we’re creating from the perspective of intention and effortless intention. Ylang ylang alchemy connects our heart to our sacral chakra, to engage tantric lifeforce and energize our intentions with even greater momentum.

Ylang ylang is wonderful for releasing old energies around grief, betrayal, and any energy or emotion that is stuck specifically in the heart area. 

If you have any essential oil at all, put a drop in the palm of your left hand; the left hand receives a higher frequency. Then take a deep breath, and as you’re breathing deeply, you’re creating a new memory cell that will forever be held within… not just in your brain, but in your cellular consciousness. Invite in your intention as you’re inhaling your essential oil.

You are now opening the levels of the auric field, the energy centers, the meridian points to be able to move the energy into your cellular consciousness. 


Ruby medicine invokes the richness, depth, and sacred nature of the human heart. Ruby alchemy opens the pathway to the Holy of Holies, the sacred chamber within our heart space where the zero point field and dimension of limitless creation exists. Ruby alchemy expands our sense of connection to the soul on the inner planes and activates our inner radiance, sensuality, and mysticism.

If you have your crystal, you can anoint it, you can hold it in your hand or you can place it on your body If you’re laying down in meditation, whichever is most comfortable for you.


Take a deep breath in and bring your attention and focus to the dantien point, about an inch below your navel; the single note that holds you into physical form. Breathe down through the chakra, down through the legs, the feet, all three lines of light meeting at the earth crust chakra. 

Sinking down deep through the layers of the earth. Down deeper and deeper, and then merging with the core crystal at the very center of the earth. Let the calibration of this connection realign your earth connection to the core crystal. Feel all of the tension, stress, chaos, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm dissolve.

We invite the presence of the angels of the four directions to sit around and stabilize our individual fields as well as our collective hara, the vehicle of light. 

Rafael in the direction of East. Michael in the direction of South. Gabriel in the direction of West. Urial in the direction of North.

On your next breath envision a platinum ray of light that begins to beam down from the higher realms with such brilliance. It begins as a point of platinum light and then expands out to millions of rays of platinum light that begin to rain down upon your fields…lifting any density and any lower frequencies.

Platinum rays of light beaming down through the crown, through your center channel cleansing, clearing, lifting the frequency. Cleansing the blood, the bone, the marrow, all the way down through the organs, the cells, the molecules, subatomic structures.

Pulsating platinum light down to each of the trillions and trillions of cells in the body and through the DNA, the mother and father bloodlines.

Calibrating, reconfiguring, reorganizing at the particle level NOW. Chakra centers are realigning throughout our field.

On the next breath in, see, feel, allow your heart to begin to expand. The vibration quickens. You may feel a tingling in this area as the heart begins to expand further.

Take a deep breath into the very center of your heart space, to the sacred chamber, the Holy of Holies, to the zero point field of limitless creative potential.

This is a dimension that exists beyond the third, fourth, and even fifth-dimensional octave. It is ripe with all possibility.

Invite your consciousness to sit in this sacred temple in the center of your heart, as we invite the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of ruby and ylang ylang. Invite this frequency to imprint and actualize Its spirit medicine into the cellular consciousness, into the particles, subatomic particles, the DNA at potency, and 10 mm NOW.

Breathe deeply. Breathing into each cell of the body. Tuning every level of your being to the frequency of the zero point field and the realm of intentional effortless creation.

Breathe in your intentions, and invite the frequency of love and gratitude to dance and synergize with your intentions.

Allowing the hara line to realign itself.  Hara is a dimension of effortless intention. When we align with our hara we are aligned with our life purpose. 

What is it that you have come here to create in this life? To embody? To experience? And to emanate?

The longings that are held in your soul, no limitation….no constriction. Breathe in the freedom of this sacred chamber deep in your heart. Put forth your intentions for the planet, your loved ones. We offer this healing for the earth and all kingdoms of life:

The plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms… may they activate to their full-spectrum and blueprint of source light, frequency of medicine, of life force, of sacredness. And for all of humanity to remember the spark of divinity and sovereignty that is within each of us and unites us as one. Aho.

Inhale any oil left on your hands for about 30 seconds as you close the memory cell that is filled with the vibration, the healing, and the communion from this meditation that you can revisit anytime through intention and inhaling the same aroma.

Offer a prayer of gratitude to yourself for carving this time for all of the beings, physical and non-physical here this evening, and holding the space.

So be it!

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

Follow @adorawinquist on Instagram for tips on holistic living!


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Divine Feminine Meditation: Invoking Quan Yin Thu, 05 Nov 2020 17:05:24 +0000 So we do have a Quan Yin formula, with oils like rose, neroli, gardenia, and mandarin. Tonight we're going to just talk about a couple of oils and two crystals. Now, again, if you don't have them, don't worry because we're going to invoke the cosmic consciousness and the vital life force of these plants and minerals to assist in the vibrational anchoring of this meditation’s healing.

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Hello Everyone. Welcome to Igniting the Divine Feminine, our monthly goddess circle.

Every month we come together to support each other in the sacred community to be able to lean in a bit, open up a bit, and connect. 

There’s tremendous opportunity right now for us all, to find new levels of empowerment and the excavation of our quintessence, the essence, gifts, and vision that are unique to each of us. We open ourselves to the Divine feminine and ability to source from the limitless well of the creatrix. 

Every month we celebrate and invoke a different goddess, a different aspect of the divine feminine because every particular goddess has a set of unique gifts and energetic configurations. By working with her specific frequency we’re able to bring the light of healing to the places of wounding within us and bring forth those particular aspects of being to the surface to further empower us. 

This meditation’s intention is to connect and work with the goddess Quan Yin. She is wonderful to work with for increasing our compassion. This is such a beautiful opportunity and time to do that, with all of the stress that we’re facing on a personal level and planetary level; everything from the virus, to civil unrest and many other stressors that we’re all experiencing. The energy of compassion helps us first to have a place of introspection, to be compassionate for ourselves and our journey, and then for each other. 

Every moment has divinely and perfectly brought us here, to be able to connect, commune, heal, and then to be able to have greater compassion for our fellow humans, all of our brothers and sisters on the planet; regardless of what country we’re in, what our skin color is, or our belief system.


Presence yourself and here is the invitation for our Goddess Meditation:

You are the keepers of sacred magic, the template of the divine feminine, protector of the holy grail, the goddess, the holy of holies. She is known by many names: Quan Yin, Diana, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Hathor, Hecate, Venus, Aphrodite, Freya, and Gaya.

Keepers of the sacred flame, you are being called to come together in community to be held, seen, and to heal your wounds; our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting. Together we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve; stepping forward with our own unique light, truth, and expression of the divine feminine in physical form.

As we heal one and awaken, we heal the many and the masses lifting the planetary vibration and the collective consciousness.  Together we will heal, grow, and rise united. 


Essential oils help expand and open our energy centers; our meridian points. Due to the connection between the olfaction and the limbic center of the brain we can literally shift how we feel in the moment and ultimately shift our consciousness in that moment.

Using essential oils is a way that we can repattern the brain by inhaling the oil, going through a healing and a meditation, and then inhaling the same essential oil at the end, which creates a brand new memory cell that is anchored into not only the limbic center of the brain but your cellular consciousness as well.

Because the limbic center is a lock and key system, that information, intelligence, energy, frequency, healing, and communion that you experience are all accessible when you inhale that same aroma again. 

For each Goddess, I create a specialized formulation, imprinted with her frequency to anchor and actualize her qualities within your energy field and blueprint. So we do have a Quan Yin formula, with oils like rose, neroli, gardenia, and mandarin. Tonight we’re going to just talk about a couple of oils and two crystals. Now, again, if you don’t have them, don’t worry because we’re going to invoke the cosmic consciousness and the vital life force of these plants and minerals to assist in the vibrational anchoring of this meditation’s healing.

The essential oil alchemy for invoking Quan Yin is green myrtle, which has an aroma that is purifying and expansive in nature, particularly for the heart center. We’re working specifically with a frequency of compassion in this meditation, which is centered in the heart. Additionally, we’ll work with some floral oils of jasmine, rose and gardenia to help remind us of the sweetness of life, and to really release the old patterns, beliefs, and emotions around grief, loss, betrayal, and anything that’s held in the heart space that limits our capacity to give and receive love, gratitude, and compassion. 

Whatever essential oil you have, I invite you to put a drop in your left hand because the left hand receives higher frequency. Just like the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands are very powerful vortices; vibrational energetic chakras and vortices of light that not only pull up the biochemical aspects of the essential oil, but also the frequency and vibration. Similarly, if you peel a clove of garlic and rub it on the sole of your foot, in less than a minute you can taste it. This is an indicator of how the essential oil is picked up at that part of the body, then introduced into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body. 

Go ahead and take a deep breath in for about 30 seconds.

We’re opening the circuitry in the cells, in the nervous system, In the auric field, and we’re also opening a new memory cell.


The plant and mineral kingdoms work synergistically together.  They hold the entire gamut of vibration and life force frequency to come in, repair, and bring great healing and acceleration of our spiritual growth and awakening from all that is held in our auric field down to the cellular consciousness, into the DNA, and into the mother and father bloodlines.

This is so important because if you think about, from the moment that you were conceived, every experience that you’ve had on a physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental level is imprinted in your trillions of cells held within your DNA. And so is every experience that your mother and father have had; they are held within you too. 

As walking miracles, we have the ability to bring consciousness, awareness, and healing not only to our personal existence holistically (into our cellular consciousness, DNA, and our bloodlines), but we also have the ability to truly quantum leap in our path of self-mastery and self-actualization… to really excavate, embody, anchor, and actualize our soul purpose; the reason that we’re here. 

Jade is a beautiful gem that resonates with Goddess Quan Yin. Jade is most often known for prosperity and luck, but it also has a gentle strength to open and expand the heart. It also holds very sacred coding for ancient eastern philosophy and spiritual teachings. When we’re working with Jade, it helps us to expand our understanding of universal truth. Sapphire is a beautiful stone that resonates with Goddess Quan Yin as well. Sapphire is good for working with the third eye area for inner and outer vision, and to bring deeper connection to divine consciousness. 

Again, if you don’t have either of these crystals that is okay as we are going to call forth the cosmic consciousness of each. 


Take a deep breath in and invite in the clarity of your intention into the sacred space.

We call for the presence of the angels of the four directions, to stabilize each of our fields and our collective hara. 

Archangel Raphael in the direction of East: sacred sound and thought, the element of air. We welcome thee now.

Archangel Michael in the direction of South: the element of fire, sacred transformation, and transfiguration. We welcome and honor thee now.

Archangel Gabriel in the direction of West: the element of water, sacred fluid bodies upon Mother Gaia, of deep emotional cleansing and purification. We welcome thee now.

Archangel Uriel in the direction of North: the element of earth, the sacred ground beneath our feet, structure, and solidarity. We welcome thee now. 

We invite the presence of each of your higher self, your I am Presence, your angels, guides, guardians, teachers, we invite your presence now.

We invoke the element of akasha, of all that is seen and unseen; past, present, future, and still unfolding.

We call for the overlighting Deva of healing for each of you and for each of the kingdoms of life; plant, mineral, and animal.

We call forth the presence of the Holy of Holies, the great silent watcher, the presence of the goddess, divine mother.

We open our hearts to your wisdom, your love, your healing, and your light. 

We call forth the vibrational patterning and energy signature of Goddess Quan Yin.

Breathe deeply into the very center of your hearts. See, feel, allow, imagine Quan Yin standing before you. Invite in the intention to open your field, your mind, your body, your heart, to her transmission. She is glowing in opalescent light. There is a warmth and a golden essence that she transmits to you. 

Breathe. It’s time to let go of all the old pain, struggle, silence, hurt, isolation, separation, anger, disappointment that you hold in your heart; that keeps you separate from each other, your strength lies in your connection and communion with each other. Your hearts rise In the sacred sisterhood of understanding each other’s pain and path. 

Continue to breathe in this warm light from mother Quan Yin, letting go of all that no longer serves the truth of who you are. Letting go of the heavy load, burden you’ve carried… and how you have judged one another through time.

On your next breath in, Quan Yin places her right hand upon your heart. In sacred attunement, she continues to lift the draws and density from your field and transmute them into golden light.

As you gaze to her left hand you see that a crown is held with the gems of Ruby and Sapphire, filled with pearls and sacred symbology. She places this crown upon your head as a reminder of the attunement and activation now held deep within your heart. 

Breathe into the very center of your heart, and as you bring your conscious awareness, you notice a pink flame that has been activated; the flame of compassion. Breathe as this flame begins to expand and recalibrate your heart space and reverberate out through every cell, particles, subatomic particle, through your blood, your bone, marrow, holographically through the auric field. The entirety of your being now vibrating, the frequency of compassion.

Om mani padme hum: you may say this mantra three times to yourself or out loud.

Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum.

Pay homage to the compassionate one, which is yourself.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of myrtle, jasmine, jade, and sapphire. We invoke and actualize your frequency upon every cell, molecule, particle, through the DNA portal to the mother and father bloodlines NOW. 

Let the breath come all the way down through you, assimilating these frequencies down deep into the lower belly, down through the legs, soles of the feet…sealing the frequency of compassion in your field.

We give thanks to all the frequencies and beings of light and kingdoms of life upon this sacred, sacred planet. All life is sacred.

Take a deep breath in, inhaling any oil left on your hands; completing this circuit, this new cell. This healing you can return to at any time.

In the light of the one, Aho. 

Mother Goddess Quan Yin, we offer you our love and gratitude. 

The angels and the four directions, and all beings of light present with us, we offer our love and gratitude.

So be it. 

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

Follow @adorawinquist on Instagram!


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Transmuting Betrayal Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:38:34 +0000 We have all experienced betrayal on a personal level within our family line and collectively feeling the wound of betrayal from political, governmental, and financial levels, from large business organizations, and for many environmental events that are happening all around the planet. Right now, we have carried this energy of pain and distortion deep within our hearts, in our DNA, and in our mother and father bloodlines.

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We are at a point of time and space where Mother Earth and all of humanity is purging any and all third-dimensional energies to expand our collective consciousness to that of higher dimensions of reality.  For us to embody and emanate these frequencies, we must also purge and transmute this on the personal level all constrictive energies in our being, especially our hearts. For when we do, we are able to assimilate the wisdom on the soul level and able to connect with the infinite consciousness in a deeper way. We’ll have a greater understanding to shift our healing and post this to the web of life, lifting the planetary consciousness.

We have all experienced betrayal on a personal level within our family line and collectively feeling the wound of betrayal from political, governmental, and financial levels, from large business organizations, and for many environmental events that are happening all around the planet. Right now, we have carried this energy of pain and distortion deep within our hearts, in our DNA, and in our mother and father bloodlines.

Today’s session will be a purge to transmute betrayal into compassion so that we can clear this pattern through the collective consciousness and the DNA of all future humanity.


Geranium and Immortelle.

In our meditations, it’s okay if you don’t have the oil or crystal I suggest because we work with the cosmic consciousness.

Geranium medicine brings deep healing to the Divine Feminine aspects and is potent alchemy for healing the mother bloodline. This oil also has an affinity for balancing hormone levels throughout all stages of womanhood, whether it is PMS or menopause. Geranium is beneficial for calming and balancing the emotions, dissolves patterns of not feeling enough, and encourages our inner “wise one” to surface. This oil brings us back to a place of deep connection with the divine feminine within. 

Immortelle, specifically Helichrysum italicum is alchemy for healing the male bloodline. This oil assists in releasing the deep pains held within both generationally as well as the collective consciousness around abuse of power, which tends to surface subconsciously in patterns of self-punishment and self-abuse. Immortelle transmutes the energy of separation and isolation to consciousness of compassion. This oil also helps to balance inflamed emotions, specifically anger, frustration, and jealousy. These two oils support the balancing of our inner male and female personality aspects. This bridges a greater understanding of the differences and opportunities for growth that our two primary natures offer us in the path of self-mastery. 

With these two oils, we’re going to work with the frequency today to come in and heal at the DNA level of our own mother and father bloodlines. You might notice that as we’re going through the meditation today, there are specific parts in your body you might feel either discomfort or movement, and that’s just the energy that’s been held within the cells and the auric field being released and transmuted. 


Malachite medicine takes us deep into the Earth to a sacred chamber of healing to commune with Goddess Gaia. The alchemy of this stone is one of cellular healing and journeying. It bathes our cells, portals to our DNA, and bloodlines, with its deep green vibrations and soothing frequencies assist us to release old patterns and planetary constructs of pain and struggle. Malachite as a journeying stone brings us into a place of greater connection with the earth to understand the wise medicine that is available through both the plant and mineral kingdoms. The energy frequency within the crystal of malachite is very balanced from the feminine and masculine perspective as well, so it helps unite those aspects within our personality, as well as bringing that healing through the bloodline.


Whatever oil(s) you have at your disposal, you can put them onto your hands starting with the left palm, which receives higher frequency. Breathe in the scent for about 30 seconds.

If you have a crystal that you want to use, you can also anoint the crystal with your oil and you can either hold it or place it upon your body in any place that you feel called to, especially any place where you feel discomfort right now. 

As you’re inhaling the oil, invite any frequency and patterning of betrayal in both the mother and father bloodlines and all of your physiology to be purged; to be transmuted to the consciousness of compassion. 

On the next breath in, bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point right below your navel.

Envision a deep green sphere of light that is vibrating right in front of the dantien. Slowly this deep green light begins to permeate into the dantien and reconfigures your cellular consciousness here. Feel your belly expand with the deep green light.

Now envision this deep green ray of light beam down from the very center and core of the dantien, down through the root chakra, down through both the legs, out through the soles of the feet. 

This green light, green intertwined with gold, sinks down deep through the earth crust chakra, through each layer of the earth, until it reaches the very core.

There is the sacred temple at the very core of the earth filled with crystals of every color and variation. This sacred chamber calls to you. Recognizing the vibration of malachite that is intertwined with your own light. 

Take a deep breath as every cell in your body begins to quicken and recalibrate with this light.

Throughout millennia the human race and other races that have been here before and during have experienced the repeated pattern and trauma of betrayal. You are being called here today to release and transmute the places and patterns of betrayal held deep within your cellular consciousness and DNA; mother, father bloodlines.

Breathe and open. 

Mother earth is ready to transmute these frequencies now. As each of you release through your own bloodline, the web of life is imprinted; your soul is imprinted,  your soul is imprinted, your soul family is imprinted, the collective consciousness is imprinted with the higher frequency of light and compassion.

Soften your body to allow the frequency of these crystals to repattern at the level of your DNA.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of Immortelle, draining. Intertwine your light and sacred medicine, and imprint it upon every cell, molecule, particle, wave-particle, structure, matrices, every layer and level of the field to the bone, the blood, the marrow at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

You may notice sensations in your physicality, breathe into them. Let the light and sacred medicine and vibration transmute this consciousness into one of compassion.

Feel your hearts open and expand.

Let any emotion arise to the surface to be released as it chooses to. Let all of your chakras and meridian points reconfigure and realign NOW.

We invite the energy of forgiveness in sacred offering first to ourselves. Any pains and betrayals to the core self, authentic self, divine self. 

And any of those within your bloodline or relationship of any regard that are calling to release and transmute the energy of betrayal, bless them as they come before you now. 

Betrayal teaches us to honor ourselves first and foremost, and then teaches compassion for those that have come across our paths in any manner; in relationship, business, government, politics, influential economies, religion, sacred relationship, all levels of relationship including family.

Breathe in the vibration emanating from this sacred crystal chamber. It is permeated with the presence of Goddess Gaia, in all of her glory, abundance, and empowerment. Glory, abundance, and empowerment are your birthright as divine beings of light upon this sacred planet. 

Breathe into your heart space, allowing the energy and vortex to recalibrate. Put forth your sacred intentions for yourself, your loved ones, for our planet. We offer this healing to Earth and all kingdoms of life: plant, mineral, animal; may they awaken to the whole frequency and vibration of life force, spirit. The perfective blueprint from the mind of the creator awakened fully.

For humanity to remember the spark of divinity and sovereignty that resides within and unites us all as one. Breathe.

A prayer of sacred gratitude and blessing or entry to this chamber of light. Blessing of gratitude to Goddess Gaia. Gratitude and blessing to ourselves and each other.

When you’re ready, you can bring your consciousness back to the present moment.

Inhale the oil on your hands, closing and sealing this memory cell within your being. Sacred light and healing.

So be it.

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

Follow @adorawinquist on Instagram!


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Engaging with Miracle Consciousness Fri, 16 Oct 2020 23:21:41 +0000 Breathe into the very center of your heartspace, to the zero point field, the dimension of limitless creation. It is pulsating with emerald light. Bring the seeds of your intentions here so they may root, grow and flourish. Every dream, every desire, every longing you hold for this incarnation is potential awaiting your attention, your intention.

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As we move beyond the third-dimensional construct of limitation, we have the beautiful opportunity to engage and explore the consciousness of miracles. We are invited to look beyond our ego desires and to instead turn our focus inward to our heart and our soul path, and hear our true inner calling for divine co-creation. The plant, mineral, and vibrational frequencies encourage our deepest longings for healing and transformation along the path of self-mastery. 

Our two primary alchemical interventions from the plant and crystal kingdoms are tuberose and emerald

Tuberose medicine reminds us to reach for the heavens and to swing upon the stars along the way. It’s exquisite and floral aroma sings deeply into our hearts, encouraging the songs of our soul to be elevated and set free. The alchemy of tuberose awakens the soul seat, where all the longings for this incarnation are held, to expand and dance our desires into creation. Tuberose reminds us that our intentions and ability to create them are to serve the Divine and not our egos. Its sacred medicine finds you when you are ready to step into the next level of your soul path. 

Emerald medicine is one of activation and unification. It is an alchemy of profundity that draws us deep inside, into our heart space and the zero point field; the dimension of limitless creative potential. This activation runs both down along the hara line to the center of Mother Earth, to the sacred crystals and ceremonial points that source all fecundity. The alchemy of emerald then activates it’s vibration back up the hara, through to the higher realms of Divine consciousness, expanding our connection and understanding of our true nature and purpose.   

Please use the oil and crystal you have on hand. Apply one drop of oil to your left palm, rub your hands together and breathe in deeply for 30-45 seconds as you invite in the clarity of your intention. What is it that you long to create in your life right now? Tap your soul seat, (thymus area) to activate this sacred center, which is filled with all the longings for this incarnation. What does your soul long for?

If you are using a crystal, anoint it with your oil(s) and hold it in your left hand or if you are lying down place it over your soul seat. 

Breathe into the dantian, just below the navel. Invite a golden line of light to come from this center down through your root and down each leg simultaneously, meeting at the earth core chakra and SINK deep down into the earth. 

Releasing the tension of the day, the week, the times. You begin to feel like you are sliding down an emerald column of light to the very center of Mother earth. This sacred chamber surrounded by crystals of all colors and four pillars of light that represent the four cardinal points, fills you with peace and begins to recalibrate you at the cellular and DNA level. Emerald light activates each and every cell, the bone, the blood, the marrow all infused with emerald light. 

The sacred medicine of the tuberose begins to flood down from the higher realms, lifting your frequency and expanding your understanding of the greater truths of yourself and the universe. Let go of all limitations: thoughts, patterns, beliefs, emotions….anything that hinders you from claiming your greatness. Set it free and it sets you free. 

Breathe into the very center of your heartspace, to the zero point field, the dimension of limitless creation. It is pulsating with emerald light. Bring the seeds of your intentions here so they may root, grow and flourish. Every dream, every desire, every longing you hold for this incarnation is potential awaiting your attention, your intention. 

The light of the Infinite source is the sacred clay of and for your creation. Sculpt your miracle with great joy, with great pleasure. As you do, you pass the activation codes on to those around you who also stand ready to expand beyond what appears possible. Everything is possible.

The miracle that you have searched lifetimes for, that you continue to search for right now, is and has always been held within you. Deep within your cellular matrices held sacredly in the structure of your DNA, is the spark of Divinity that beckons you to awaken to your co-creative nature. The dreams and desires that you hold in your core are all potentials awaiting your remembrance and embrace. 

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.

Follow @adorawinquist on Instagram!


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Lady Nada Meditation for Divine Love Mon, 12 Oct 2020 23:59:48 +0000 Put forth your intentions for Mother Earth, humankind. We offer this healing to all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. Every life is sacred. May the pink flame and divine love be activated within each kingdom and in particular, the human kingdom.

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Happy Fall Everyone. 

I host a monthly Divine Feminine Group with the intention of Igniting the Goddess within. Each month we honor a specific Goddess. In September we celebrated Lady Nada and worked with the energies of the pink flame; the consciousness of divine love and connecting into clear all the pathways of karma and karmic entanglements.

Each Divine Feminine gathering begins with an invocation, discusses an essential oil and crystal, and has a meditation. I like to share each gathering as a blog so that the content and healing can be accessible to all. 

One of the reasons that we come together in sacred community is to ignite all the levels of the divine feminine within us so we can support each other. So we can remember collectively and create greater momentum to be able to remember the very powerful co-creators we are of reality and how there is magic alive within us.

When we can come back into a place of deep connection with our own wise women selves, that allows us to become more receptive. It allows us to connect in with our intuitive aspects and our magic in so many ways; so much strength and grace.


Open your body, open your mind, open your hearts. You are the keepers of the sacred flame. The template of the divine feminine protector of the Holy Grail, the Goddess, the Holy of Holies. She is known by many names. NAda, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, the Magdalene, Quan Yin, Hecate, Venus, Freya, and Gaia. 

Keepers of the sacred flame, you are being called to come together in community; to be held, seen. To heal your wounds, our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting. Together, we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve, stepping forward with our unique light, truth, and expression of the divine in physical form. As we heal as one and awaken, we heal the many, lifting the planetary vibration and the collective consciousness.

Together, we will unite all the aspects of her beauty, wisdom, power, and grace, and we will rise as one shining in our greatest love


Blue and pink lotus are relevant essential oils for invoking and embodying Lady Nada. The consciousness of the Lotus is so powerful for not only opening our hearts but also opening our crowns. I have a blue Lotus attar that’s rare, precious, and truly magnificent. Blue Lotus attar has flowers that come in pink, blue, and white.

And I had the privilege of spending some time in Southern India where we went out to the lotus ponds at 5:30 am and the beautiful men that were leading our group went out in these small boats and paddled with their hands, and came back with the most exquisite lotus flowers. You could feel the vibration as it opened in your hand. The aroma was so ethereal it just lifted you up and out and expanded in so many ways and facets. 

As always in our meditations, don’t worry if you don’t have the mentioned essential oils, in fact, any essential oil that you have can be an anchor. The power of the limbic system offers potent opportunities for transformation. Inhaling the right essential oil can create a connection, a new cell, and a new cellular experience with your journey. 

Whatever essential oil you have, drop a little bit into your left palm. The left palm receives higher energies and the palms just like the soles of the feet are wonderful vortices for pulling in the biochemical aspects of the essential oils and also the vibrational aspects. 

Inhale the essential oil in your palms for about 20 to 30 seconds as you invite in the clarity of your intention for this healing and awakening.


Selenite is most often seen in wands that are clear. It’s wonderful for cleansing and purification. We’re going to work with pink selenite here because as we’re connecting in with the pink flame and the consciousness of divine love, specifically with the intention for cleansing at the karmic level, this is a wonderful stone for that and to access the heart. 

Ruby is also a wonderful stone that is in alignment for the energetic frequency and vibration of Lady Nada.


Take a deep breath and presence yourself.

On your next breath in, let go of all the stress and tension of the day. Bring your focus to the dantien point, which is about an inch and a half below your navel. It’s known as a power point in terms of martial arts. This point represents that one physical note that holds us into this body; that one note that is unique to you.

Setting our intention to ground down from the center of our dantien point where the golden line of light moves down through the root chakra, and also simultaneously down through each leg and out through each sole of the foot. Three golden lines of light uniting at the earth crust chakra where they will sink.

Sink into the deep receptivity and nourishment of the mother of all mothers, Mother Earth.

Open yourself to feel the great vitality and abundance that is here for you and this place of deep connectivity.

Brilliant green light is nourishing each cell, each of the trillions of cells in your body from this connection.

Restoring vibrancy and vitality on all levels; all levels of the auric field, all organs of the body, the bone, the blood, Into the bone marrow. Deep connection with Mother Earth.

We let this beautiful life force continue to move up through us.

Feel yourself surrounded by the very heart of Goddess Gaia with such great joy, with such receptivity, with such longing for connection, communion.

Receiving this beautiful vibration and frequency that comes from her core into your core.

Moving up through your heart, to high heart, throat, into the head. This Greenlight continues to nourish and revitalize, moving up now through the crown and antahkarana point. Up through the higher realms to the cosmic throne of Lady Nada.

She’s illuminated in a brilliant pink ray of light that comes from the flame burning brightly at the very center of her heart.

Envision this pink ray unfolding into a sphere that expands 360 degrees around her. This pink sphere filled with the frequency and vibration of divine love begins to magnetically lift you higher and higher and higher until you are standing before her throne.


We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of blue and pink lotus.

We invite this vibration and frequency to penetrate and permeate every level of our being, anchoring into the molecular consciousness at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of pink selenite and ruby.

We invite the wholeness of your frequency into every cell and particle within our being at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

On the next breath in, Lady Nada beams a pink ray of light directly from her heart into yours. Invite this frequency of divine love to fill, heal, bless every aspect of who you are, into every crevice, every shadow.

Allow this frequency of divine love to open every door that is closed in your heart. Invite her to activate the pathway of service and ministry that is unique to you. Feeling your heart open, like the thousand-petaled lotus, drinking in that divine love.

you may choose to call on Nada to assist you to release karmic entanglements from all people, places, and things. Invite in a dialogue with your intentions, prayers, and requests. These will synergize with the alchemy of the moon, and the sacred flame within your heart will burn brighter from this day forward.

Put forth your intentions for Mother Earth, humankind. We offer this healing to all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. Every life is sacred. May the pink flame and divine love be activated within each kingdom and in particular, the human kingdom. 

May the template for the divine plan unfold in the most benevolent outcome. May we remember that our love heals and transforms all places of limitation, separation, and forgetting.

May our light within be illumined in its full brightness to awaken the remembrance of the spark of divinity and sovereignty for all beings. Aho. 

You can breathe in any oil that’s left on your hands to complete this circuit, to complete this memory cell that is fully alive within your being. You can come back to this moment at any time you choose.

In great gratitude, we honor the goddess, divine mother, Nada, and all aspects of the divine feminine.

So be it. 

If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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Honoring The Light Within Thu, 08 Oct 2020 22:35:27 +0000 You are the diamond light of divinity. See how bright you shine together.

Continue to let this light beam and pulsate fully around the globe within, without. Pole to pole.

We offer this healing to Earth and all kingdoms of life upon this planet.

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Oftentimes we enter a place of being self-critical, of self-judgment, and of trying to define places of perfection within because we’re always looking for that divine perfection or perfect love. 

For our meditation around the subject of honoring the light within, we’ll be working with the following two alchemical interventions. As always in our meditations, it’s perfectly ok if you don’t have the essential oils or crystals that I speak about or even any essential oils or crystals at all because we’ll be calling in and working with the vital life force and cosmic consciousness of each. 

I will say however if you do have a crystal or essential oil at your disposal, I invite you to grab those before going into meditation as they will help you to anchor and create the new circuit and the new memory cell for this journey.


Diamond is really beautiful for cleansing and purification, and supporting us to reconnect with the places of brightness, illumination and that spark of light that’s held within each and every cell. 


Frankincense is a beautiful sacred oil that has a way for us to awaken to the remembrance of our divine light, and to help us breathe in that memory into our cellular consciousness and create a bridge if you will. 

If you’ve ever smelled true frankincense, it has the ability of awakening divine consciousness within, and once you’ve inhaled it, that bridge or that portal or that connection is always there. It’s always holding a place of invitation for us to come back to that threshold of the sacred, the holy of holies, and the divine consciousness.


Take a deep breath in and invite in the clarity of your intention. 

On your next breath in, bring your focus, your intention, and attention to the dantien point; about an inch and a half below your navel.

Let this energy begin to percolate in the dantien and then let it sink down through the root chakra, down through the legs, the soles of the feet, those three lines of light meeting at the earth crust chakra., Then sinking deep down into the nurturing safety and serenity of Mother Earth.

Invite that frequency that is unique to you to merge and meld with the core crystal of Mother Gaia, to dance in the great light of nurturing abundance that is present and held sacred there.

Let your light intertwine at the very heart of Gaia as we invite the highest vibrational patterning, available in this now moment. Come back up, dancing up through the layers and levels of the earth, back out through the earth crust chakra, up through your legs and root, back to the dantien, which reconfigures, recalibrates, and revitalizes.

The light of abundance, the light of safety, the light of vibrancy pulsates within the dantien.

Breathe and bathe until this light expands, activating each of the trillions of cells within your body.

There is a peace, a deep reverence. A sense of being held. Secure. And yet, with enough space for all of your sacred intentions to come to fruition.

Let your hara line reconfigure and strengthen to the core crystal of the earth.

And breathe as this energy moves up through the field, through the blood, through the bone, through each meridian point, each chakra, each layer, and level of the field, coming up to your heart center and breathing in deep into the very center of your heart space; into the zero point field of limitless creative potential.

Invite every place of self-judgment, seeming imperfection, every place hidden in unworthiness, in separation, in lack, in fear.

Invite and embrace them deep into your heart space and feel them dissolve. Continue to invite them into the very center of your heart until they are no more.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of diamond and the diamond teams of light. We invite this frequency to come down through every layer, every level, every molecule, every cell with its light clearing and activation.

Divine light held on high within its vibration. We invite this into our system at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of frankincense. 

We invite your sacred resonance to awaken the remembrance of divinity, of our own divine light to be recalled, awakened, and actualized within each of our cellular matrices at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

Breathe as each cell quickens it’s vibration and illumination the light that which you seek, have sought for lifetimes has always been held within you. Light that can heal, transform, and unite has always been held within you. Your light is sacred, welcome, and needed.

Breathe as you feel this light expand throughout every layer and level of your being,  illumines truth. Light transmutes darkness.

Invite your lights to unite. Unite as one grand diamond; beaming, polished, multifaceted, multi-dimensional. Envision the sparkling light beaming from you, held within your hearts, and beaming out around the globe.

You are the diamond light of divinity. See how bright you shine together.

Continue to let this light beam and pulsate fully around the globe within, without. Pole to pole.

We offer this healing to Earth and all kingdoms of life upon this planet.

Your light is sacred. Your life is sacred.

May all kingdoms of life awaken to the bright spark of divinity and unity.

Breathe a breath of gratitude to the beautiful light within you and within us all.


If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.


None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other injurious results of excessive physical exhaustion. You, the athlete, must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid serious injury. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

The post Honoring The Light Within appeared first on Detox Nourish Activate.

Healing the Child Within Thu, 01 Oct 2020 22:17:14 +0000 I like to think of the childhood dynamics that we experience as creating this beautiful treasure map for what we've come into this lifetime to bring the light of consciousness and healing to; for the elevation of our spirit and our soul. Really, for the growth of our soul or our soul work.

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I like to think of the childhood dynamics that we experience as creating this beautiful treasure map for what we’ve come into this lifetime to bring the light of consciousness and healing to; for the elevation of our spirit and our soul. Really, for the growth of our soul or our soul work.

Our child consciousness is often subconscious. It’s at play, but we don’t necessarily know it.  And so when we’re thinking about areas of our life where we have patterns, whether it’s physical disease or disharmony, a pattern that continues to play out in our relationships or in our careers, or perhaps something seems to be off when looking at our relationship with financial abundance, even though we know that from an adult perspective, we’re taking all of the steps needed…that is the moment we can take a look into the child consciousness and what I like to call our personality or soul triad. If you imagine a pyramid at the three points, we have our female aspect, our male aspect, and then our child aspect.

The male and female represent our early childhood dynamics and our relationships with our mother and father, and then of course everything that’s held in our bloodlines through our DNA, which is one of the major focuses of our work; to bring the light of consciousness through the DNA so we can experience sustainable shifts.

When we’re looking at that pyramid, we also have the child consciousness. Until we bring all three of those aspects to a tipping point of healing or balance, we’re not able to actualize the deepest longings that we have in our soul seat, in our soul, in our heart of hearts. And so when we look at places of child consciousness, one of the questions we want to ask ourselves is where are the places where we don’t feel worthy? Whether we don’t feel worthy of love, of money, of all of the things that deep within our heart and our souls we long for.

In this meditation and healing journey with the crystal alchemy, plant medicine alchemy, and our vibrational frequency, we’re going to bring the light of healing into the child consciousness in any places of lack, and where we don’t feel that place of worthiness because of whatever imprint we experienced in our early childhood dynamics.


Lavender is our essential oil for this mediation and journey of healing the inner child and the places of child consciousness that are within us. It has such an ease and grace to it. It’s the way of the peacemaker with its vibration and its aromatic molecules. If you don’t have lavender at home, we’re going to be connecting in with the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of the plant for healing, and it will still do its work. 

I usually like to work with at least three different types of lavender. My favorite from a medicinal perspective is a Highland French lavender. I also love Bulgarian lavender, which has a very soft nuance to it. Interestingly lavender from Kashmir has a very calming quality, which speaks to the wisdom of the plant kingdom to be able to grow in a certain area of the world that can really benefit from the frequency of peacekeeping and gentleness. Those are three of my favorites, and a new one that I have just come up with is one from the Ukraine, which is extraordinary and has completely surprised and delighted me in so many ways.

If you do have lavender, you can go ahead and put a drop on the palm of your hand. We start with a drop on the left hand, which receives higher frequency. Any other oil that you have at your disposal is also perfect to use. Just inhale it, and as we inhale it because of the direct connection between olfaction and the limbic center of our brain, we’re able to go in past the blood brain barrier and access the brain and the blood stream. Since the oil comes into our chakras, it comes into the Meridian points, which are also smaller vortices of light and opens them up to the healing frequency that we’re going to receive today. 

Also, one of the really potent aspects of essential oils is they’re able to penetrate deeply into the cellular level of our consciousness and bring their medicine, their vibration biochemically as well as energetically.

So when breathing in our oils, we’re creating the beginning of a new memory. This memory will be all of our journeying and healing with this meditation working with the plant and crystal medicine.


Honey Calcite is our crystal alchemy. There are quite a few different types. This is really wonderful for bringing a gentle loving vibration into the child consciousness, and in particular into the solar plexus area, which is our source of power. Oftentimes when we have subconscious child consciousness at play, it really affects our level of empowerment and moving into those places where we don’t feel worthy. Those are all held in the solar plexus, and so this makes it a really great crystal to bring that healing energy to this area of our body and our being. 

If you don’t have honey calcite, that’s quite all right. Use whatever crystal you have at your disposal if you have one. 


On your next deep breath in, bring your attention and your intention to the dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel. The single note that holds you in physical form, the unique tone that is akin only to your light.

Breathe into the lower belly as you let the stress and the tension of the day, the week, the month, or simply the time dissipate and dissolve.

Now invite a golden line of light to drop down from the center of the dantien through your root center, down through each leg, out through each sole, and then unifying together at the earth star chakra.

Three lines of golden light unified, sinking deeply into the nourishing safety of Mother Earth, the mother of all mothers. Sink down and connect in with the core crystal at the very center of the earth.

See, feel, allow, imagine this beautiful amber light and life force begin to bubble back up, rising through each layer and level on the earth, all the way back out through the earth star chakra, up through the soles, up through the legs, and the root meeting back at the dantien point until this point begins to pulsate with amber light.

Nourishing and recalibrating every layer and level of the field. Deep down into the cellular consciousness, into the cells, the molecules, the particles, subatomic structure, into the bone and the blood.

Amber life force rising now up through the belly, up through the sacral chakra, the solar plexus. Feeling it come up through the chest and the heart revitalizing each and every one of the trillions of cells in your body. 

Amber light, renewable life source from the core of Mother Earth. Moving up now through the shoulders, the high heart, the throat, through the jaw, the face, the head, up through the crown, and the antahkarana point.

Amber light now being drawn up through the higher realms trigger the light, light, light up to the throne of Divine Consciousness, where the amber light begins to mix with a brilliant golden light filled with sacred geometric formations, sacred symbols, letters from the sacred languages.

As you bring your vision to witness the beauty of what is unfolding above you, it begins to move down and rain upon each and every layer of your auric field.

You might experience a sensation as specific forms click into alignment within your energy bodies and holographically into your cellular consciousness NOW.

We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of lavender, Lavandula angustifolia. We anchor that within our cellular consciousness at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

Through our cellular consciousness, we connect in holographically with every species of lavender grown upon this planet, inviting the intention for the full spectrum of medicine and vibration to be activated and unified across the planet.

May it’s coding of peace be imprinted upon each of ourselves. May it imbue every aspect of child consciousness within calling for love, calling for healing, calling for light.

Breathe and bathe as this medicine navigates through your own child within. If there are memories that come forth, embrace them in this healing frequency of light and peace.

May this vibration come through our DNA bloodlines, mother line, father line… bringing this light of peace through our Akashic records. Through all time and no time.

On the next breath in, we call for the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of honey calcite to beam it’s healing light in through our solar plexus, actualizing into each cell at a potency of 10 mm NOW.

This frequency is dissolving places of isolation and separation within. Breathe in the softness, the gentleness, the sweetness from this crystal medicine. Feel it illuminate and activate each cell with its golden honey light and frequency.

Let every aspect and every age of yourself, as it comes forth for healing, be embraced in this sweet love and warmth.

May every aspect of your child within be embraced and be in this light of healing and wholeness.

May you remind that child within, and every age through your timeline, and every member of your lineage, you are a divine being of light, worthy of great abundance of love, prosperity, resources, support, communion.

Breathe this truth deep into your heart space and to the very center of your heart into the zero point field of limitless creative potential.

Here put forth your intentions in this sacred, sacred vessel.

We offer this healing to the earth and all kingdoms of life on this planet. The plant, mineral, animal kingdoms: may you remember and awaken to the fullness of your life force, your vibration, your spirit, and your unity.

For the human kingdom, may we awaken to the remembrance of the spark of divinity and sovereignty within us all. Illumine more brightly so that all of our light may unite as one.

You have oil on your hands, breathe it in again to complete this circuit, to close this memory cell. It is forever embedded within you. You can revisit these moments at any time through this aroma or through your intention.

So be It.

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The post Healing the Child Within appeared first on Detox Nourish Activate.
